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为了保证新税制的顺利实施,规范增值税的管理,国家税务总局决定实行增值税一般纳税人认定制度。1993年11月20日国家税务总局以国税明电〔1993〕052号明传电报将《增值税一般纳税人申请认定办法》发给各地。现印发给你们,请继续遵照执行。 附件一:《增值税一般纳税人申请认定办法》

一、凡增值税一般纳税人(以下简称一般纳税人),均应依照本办法向其企业所在地主管税务机关申请办理一般纳税人认定手续。 一般纳税人总分支机构不在同一县(市)的,应分别向其机构所在地主管税务机关申请办理一般纳税人认定手续。
四、经税务机关审核认定的一般纳税人,可按《中华人民共和国增值税条例》第四条的规定计算应纳税额,并使用增值税专用发票。 对符合一般纳税人条件但不申请办理一般纳税人认定手续的纳税人,应按销售额依照增值税税率计算应纳税额,不得抵扣进项税额,也不得使用增值税专用发票。


(State Administration of Taxation: 15 March 1994 Coded Guo Shui Fa[1994]No. 059)

Whole Doc.
To the tax bureaus of various provinces, autonomous regions and
municipalities, and to the tax bureaus of various cities with independent
In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the new tax system
and standardize management of value-added tax, the State Administration of
Taxation has decided to institute the ordinary Value-Added tax payer's
recognition system. On November 20, 1993, the State Administration of
Taxation issued the Measures for Recognizing the Application Filed by
Ordinary Value-Added Tax Payer in the form of an openly transmitted
telegraph coded Guo Shui Ming Dian [1993] No. 052 to various localities.
The text is hereby printed and issued to you, please continue to put it
into practice.
Appendix I:
I. Measures for Recognizing the Application of Ordinary Value- Added
Tax payer
II. Table of Recognizing the Application of Ordinary Value-Added Tax
III. Recognition of the Special Seal and Stamp of "Ordinary
Value-Added Tax Payer" (omitted)

Appendix I:
Measures for Recognizing the Application of Ordinary Value-Added Tax
I. Ordinary value-added tax payer (hereinafter referred to as
ordinary tax payer) shall all follow these measures to perform procedures
for the recognition of ordinary tax payer with the tax competent
authorities at the location of his enterprise.
Ordinary tax payers whose general sub-branches are not in the same
county (city) shall apply for performing the procedures for recognition of
ordinary tax payer with the competent tax authorities at the locations of
their respective organizations.
II. Ordinary tax payers refer to the enterprise and units of an
enterprise nature (hereinafter referred to as enterprises) whose annual
sales amount: on which value-added tax shall be levied (hereinafter
referred to as annual taxable sales amount, including all taxable sales
amounts within a year of Gregorian calendar), exceeds the standard for
small-scale tax payers as stipulated by the Ministry of Finance.
The tax payers listed below do not belong to ordinary tax payers:
(1) Enterprises (hereinafter referred to as small- scale enterprises)
whose annual taxable sales volume does not exceed the standard of
small-scale tax payer;
(2) Individuals;
(3) Non-enterprise units;
(4) Enterprises not frequently have the taxable conduct related to
value-added tax.
III. A small-scale enterprise, which has an annual taxable sales
volume that does not exceed the standard and which has a sound accounting
system capable of accurately calculating and providing a tax amount on
sales items and a tax amount on purchase items, may apply for performing
the procedures for recognition of the ordinary tax payer.
When the tax payer's general sub-branch introduces unified
accounting, if the annual taxable sales volume of his general organization
exceeds the standard of a small-scale enterprise, but the annual taxable
sales volume of his branch does not exceed the standard of a small-scale
enterprise, then his branch may apply for performing the procedures for
recognition of ordinary tax payer. While performing the recognition
procedures, he shall provide the certificate (the photocopy of the
application recognition form of his general organization) showing that the
competent tax authorities in the location of his general organization has
approved its general organization as an ordinary tax payer.
Because value-added tax special vouchers are not to be issued for
goods old tax free, therefore, an enterprise which sells goods all tax
free shall not perform recognition procedures for ordinary tax payer.
IV. Ordinary tax payer who has been examined and approved as such may
calculate the taxable amount in accordance with the stipulations of
Article 4 of the Provisional Regulations on Value- Added Tax of the
People's Republic of China and may use the value- added tax special
For the tax payer who conforms with the conditions for ordinary tax
payer but who does not apply for performing the procedures for recognizing
ordinary tax payer, the taxable amount shall be calculated in accordance
with the value-added tax rate in relation to the sales volume, the tax
amount on the purchase items shall not be deducted, nor shall value-added
tax special vouchers be used.
V. Newly opened enterprises which conform with the conditions for
ordinary tax payers shall apply for performing the procedures for
recognizing ordinary tax payer while performing taxation registration. If
its estimated taxable sales volume exceeds the standard for a small-scale
enterprise, the tax authorities shall temporarily recognize it as ordinary
tax payer; after it opens for business, if the actual annual taxable sales
volume does not exceed the standard a small-scale tax payer, it shall file
another application for performing the procedures for recognition of
ordinary tax payers. An enterprise, which conforms with the conditions as
set in Clause 1 of Article 3 of these Measures, may continued to be
recognized as ordinary tax payer; if it does not conform with the
conditions set in Clause 1 of Article 3 of these Measures, it shall be
disqualified as an ordinary tax payer.
VI. If the annual taxable sales volume of a small-scale enterprise,
which has opened for business, exceeds the standard for a small-scale tax
payer, it shall apply for performing the procedures for recognizing
ordinary tax payer before the end of January in the following Year.
VII. An enterprise which applies for performing the procedures for
recognizing ordinary tax payer shall file an application report and
provide the following related certificates and materials;
(1) Business license;
(2) Related contracts, statutes and agreements;
(3) Bank account number certificates;
(4) Other related certificates and materials required to be provided
by tax authorities.
The contents of the certificates and materials listed in item 4 of
the above clause shall be determined by the provincial-level tax
VIII. After initially examining and approving the application report
and related materials of the enterprise, the competent tax authorities
shall issue the Application Recognition Form of the Value-Added Tax Payer,
the enterprise shall accurately fill in the Application Recognition Form
of Ordinary Value-Added Tax Payer. The Application Recognition Form of
Ordinary Value-Added Tax Payer filled in and reported by the enterprise
shall be in duplicate. After examination and approval, one copy is handed
to the grass- roots tax organization, and the other copy shall be returned
to the enterprise for preservation.
The pattern of the Application Recognition Form of the Value- Added
Tax Payer shall be drawn up by the State Administration of Taxation.
IX. The examination and approval power over the recognition of
ordinary tax payer resides in the tax authorities at and above the county
level. With regard to the Application Recognition Form of Value-Added Tax
Payer filled in and reported by the enterprise, the tax authorities which
are responsible for examination and approval shall complete the
examination and approval within 30 days from the day of receipt. For those
who conform with the condition for ordinary tax payers, the special seal
acknowledged the Ordinary Value-Added Tax Payer shall be affixed on top of
the first page of the copy of the Tax Registration Certificate, which
shall be regarded as the certificate by which to obtain and purchase
value- added tax special vouchers.
The ink paste for the special seal recognizing Ordinary Value- Added
Tax Payer is set in a unified red color, the die shall be made by the
State Administration of Taxation.

Appendix II:
Table of Recognizing the Application of Ordinary Value-Added Tax
Applicant: (Seal) Application Time: Year____ Month____ Day____
Address Telephone Postcode
Business Scope
Economic Nature Number of Employees
Bank of Deposit Account Number
19 Year's |Sales Volume of Goods Produced Sales Volume of
Material |Processed
(10000 yuan)|& Repaired Goods Wholesale & Retail Sales Volume
|Total Taxable Sales Volume Fixed Asset Scale
Calculating |Number of Specialized Financial workers
Situation of |Category of Setup
Accounting & |Account Books Whether the
Finance |Purchase & Sales Tax
|Volume Can Be Accurately
Remarks |
Opinions of County-
Opinions of Grass-Roots
Tax (Seal) (District-) Level Tax

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第一条 为整顿和规范市场经济秩序,引导、监督生产者、销售者、服务业的经营者加强对产品质量的管理,建立良好的市场经济秩序,根据《中华人民共和国产品质量法》等有关法律、法规,结合成都市实际,制定本规定。

第二条 本市行政区域内对假冒伪劣产品及其生产者、销售者、使用假冒伪劣产品的服务业的经营者实施市场禁入,适用本规定。


第三条 本规定所称假冒伪劣产品,是指违反《中华人民共和国产品质量法》等法律、法规的规定,不符合保障人体健康和人身财产安全的标准和要求,伪造或者冒用质量认证标志、厂名、厂址、产地,以及掺杂掺假、以假充真、以次充好的产品。

第四条 市质量技术监督行政主管部门负责组织实施本规定。


第五条 市和区(市)县政府各有关行政主管部门在监督管理中发现生产、销售、经营性使用假冒伪劣产品的,应当按照各自的职责,依法予以处罚。对假冒伪劣产品及其违法者应当实施市场禁入的,应及时向市质量技术监督行政主管部门书面提出市场禁入意见。

第六条 市质量技术监督行政主管部门收到市场禁入意见后,应在15日内会同有关行政主管部门进行研究,对假冒伪劣产品及其违法者作出如下处理决定:





第七条 实施市场禁入的处理决定向社会公告后,生产者、销售者、服务业的经营者应当依据市场禁入目录进行自查,发现有列入市场禁入目录的产品时,应当及时主动封存,并向有关行政主管部门报告,不得继续生产、销售、使用。

第八条 生产者、销售者、服务业的经营者,经积极整改合格后,要求提前解除市场禁入或者市场禁入期满的,应向当地有关行政主管部门提出书面申请,由原作出决定的行政主管部门作出解除市场禁入的决定。


第九条 已向社会公告的被实施市场禁入的产品及其违法者,市和区(市)县政府各行政主管部门应当按职责分工实行跟踪监督。对继续生产、销售、经营性使用已列入市场禁入目录产品的,应当依法从重处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

第十条 市政府设立打击假冒伪劣产品及其违法者信息中心。质监、工商、公安、卫生、药监、农牧、贸易、烟草、盐政等行政主管部门应当向信息中心提供工作信息。信息中心应当及时发布实施市场禁入的目录、违法者受到的处理等信息。

第十一条 生产者、销售者、服务业的经营者对行政主管部门的具体行政行为不服的,可以依法提起行政复议。

第十二条 政府有关部门的工作人员滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊,为生产、销售、经营性使用已被列入市场禁入目录的产品提供便利条件的,按有关规定给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

第十三条 本规定由市人民政府法制办公室负责解释。

第十四条 本规定自2002年3月15日起施行。



